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Trey's Company Cover.png

A captivating coming of age novel

Love a little, die a little, and break the law. Trey Milligan did them all in one summer, and before his 14th birthday.

Trey lives in Southern California with his parents and younger sister, but is spending the summer after 7th grade with his widowed grandmother in a small Tennessee town. The South becomes home to Trey, but also represents the freedom every child associates with the summer months.

Three of Trey’s friends — Wendy, Devon, and Larry — come to personify love, death, and the criminal element, challenges every child must, at some point, confront. Together, the trio builds an unasked-for bridge to adulthood for Trey. The warmth and comforts of a “summer at Grandma’s” becomes a life-changing season of internal growth. ...

"A truly captivating tale that will take you back to your own childhood shenanigans and the experiences we go through as we progress in age from a child to a teen. It made me laugh out loud and brought tears to my eyes."

— 5-star reviewer on Amazon

Dog Stories for the Soul
Dog Stories for the Soul Cover-Frank Mur

A heart-warming anthology of dog stories

Susie's Tale
By Frank Murtaugh

This is the story of a boy and his dog. Seems most of these tales begin like this. Nice and simple, your basic elements to a heart-warming trip down memory lane. Doesn't quite fit, though, for the story of Tripp's Susie Q. This, in fact, is more a story of friendship ... family really.


Susie was a gorgeous black Labrador retriever, and thoughts of her have filled my head (and heart) for more than 25 years now, since she made her own unique journey up to Doggie Heaven. These thoughts make me laugh, and they make me cry sometimes. Mostly, they make me long for the chance to remind Susie how much I love her (emphasis on the present tense. ...

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